Our Employees Really Can Climb the Ladder

Working at Fritz’s Adventure is an adventure! Learn, grow, and discover strengths you never knew you had, and heights you didn’t know you could achieve! From WOW University to working hard at playing all day, gain experience through great experiences!

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Full Screen Left Right

Image on one side, content on another (or vice versa), with the image being much wider.

Label Name Type Notes
Content tab
Content full_screen_left_right_content wysiwyg
Image full_screen_left_right_image_id image (Clone of Utility : Image)
Image Focus Point full_screen_left_right_image_focus_point button_group (Clone of Utility : Image)
Image Fit full_screen_left_right_image_fit select (Clone of Utility : Image)
Lazy Load full_screen_left_right_image_loading true_false (Clone of Utility : Image)
Settings tab
Layout full_screen_left_right_layout button_group
Background Color full_screen_left_right_background_color button_group (Clone of Utility : Background Color)